Tuesday, April 8, 2008

59 days to go...

I think it's going to take me awhile to get used to this new blog. I'm still trying to figure out how to change things, get the list on the side of all my favorite blogs, etc. Change is good though.

Today we have less than 2 months until the wedding. 59 days to be exact. My heart only skipped one beat when I said that- I guess that means I'm not as far behind as I think. My bridal shower is this weekend, and plans have begun for the bachelorette party. I'm ridiculously excited for both, but I'm already feeling a little remorseful because I won't want them to be over. Is that selfish? This time in my life [being engaged] has been thrilling, but the last few months have just flown by. Why couldn't the first 6 or so months done that, then the last few go a little slower? Right now, I'm feeling like I'm not able to "take it all in" because I'm so busy teaching.

Regardless, it's sure to be an exciting 59 days. I just wish Dan were here to enjoy it too! (For those that don't know, he's working in another state).

Until next time...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A fresh start

I've been blogging on "Xanga" for years- like since high school. Now that I'm 2 months from becoming someone's wife, I thought it was time to venture into the world of a different blog. I like fresh starts. Xanga was an outlet for me on many occasions, but as I delve into this new chapter in my life I feel like beginning a new outlet.

In the next couple of months, I warn you that there will be wedding talk. It's inevitable. But, after that there will be talk of life as a newlywed, far from home. There will be talk of the search for the perfect teaching job. There will be talk of all sorts of things, I'm sure. I invite you to hang around for the ride.